Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Excellent resource by Scott Elias on presenting.

Scott Elias' "Presentation on Presenting" provides excellent advice to teachers who find themselves struggling to keep students engaged with their slide presentations. The presentation provides excellent concrete guidelines and clear strategies to avoid the pitfalls of Powerpoint.

My school purchased data projectors for almost every classroom in the school this year. The 8th grade Math teachers have worked together to create powerpoint presentations to replace the normal notetaking practice. Regretably we have committed many of the faux pas that Scott wards against. I suspect that I will revisit his document many times in the coming weeks in an effort to clean up some bad presentation habits. It has been very defeating to spend hours creating presentations that my students insist on sleeping through. Thank you for the excellent post Scott.

As an aside, I think that I will post a before and after presentation once I've implemented Scott's recommended strategies.

1 comment:

Scott Elias said...

Curtis -

I'm glad you found the presentation useful! Thanks for the kind words.

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